

The crisis of the modern world Part 3

In turn, the criterion of justice is the equality that do have such forms:

  • form – abstract equality Sense of justice is that of any man. If you have candies, then divide them equally you will
  • form structure by base (labor, talent, etc.)

Form 3 – equality relations division: differentiation on the basis of equality relations. All the whole is to the larger part as the most to least. In this regard, said about the division on the principle of the Golden section.

By the way, on a question on whether the concept of co-division of activities and the principle of the Golden section is not only to resolve economic problems but also in other spheres of life, the speaker replied in the affirmative. In his opinion, it is a universal methodology that can explain everything down to relations of love and sex.

There are three priorities:

  • the solution of basic problems of reproduction of life (food, shelter, health);
  • infrastructure development (roads, transport, communications);
  • the creation of conditions for innovative development (education, science, innovation).

At the institutional level, this involves developing a system of rules, norms and organizational structures capable of solving these problems. You can start with the problem of providing power. The provision of equity money (unsecured), provided that the person will purchase goods from domestic producers, will not lead to inflation.

The main directions of improvement of ownership relations, can become a methodological reference points for post-crisis development:

  • the need for a higher level of transparency of ownership relations. Society and citizens have a right to know who owns the property on legal grounds it was obtained;
  • a pre-condition of increase of level of transparency of ownership relations is the legitimation of the citizens of its major objects acquired since 1991, through Declaration and payment of a small duty in the case of the absence of legal source of acquisition of property;
  • a significant reduction (through increased transparency) level of the spread of the shadow processes of appropriation, an increase in legal income, tax base and financial resources development;
  • the creation on the basis of studying and generalization of foreign experience, well-regulated system of division of powers of authority and ownership, legal registration and regulation of lobbying activities, norms, preventing the formation of corrupt relations;
  • the development of public-private forms of appropriation on the basis of joint use of government and private owners of their resources for large-scale projects aimed at solving strategic tasks;
  • the establishment of an effective regime of state regulation of use of objects of ownership with the professional level of actors performing the authority for their use (the system of professional selection of personnel to work in public office, a ban on the positions of the actors without proper education and experience, including appointments to political office, Ministers, etc.;
  • regulation of financial institutions aimed at the specialization of activities and elimination of the reason of multiplication of fictitious forms of ownership, leading inevitably to crises);
  • the creation of legislative, organizational and social conditions for the formation of an effective owner, rationally use resources, based on the development of human, social and intellectual capital, maintaining equilibrium with the environment and its improvement by comparing personal consumption with the state of the firm and the economy as a whole;
  • the cultivation of moral norms of behavior of the owners;
  • taxation as a form of implementation of the joint-shared assignment with the goal of creating a system of education end income, adequate participation of stakeholders in the real processes of economic growth and social wealth;
  • the development of democracy as a form of citizens ‘ participation in jointly divided the process of creation and appropriation of economic, social, political and spiritual benefits;
  • wide informing of the population about the real processes of appropriation in the country and the formation of a conscious and active attitude of citizens to the solution of problems of ownership.

Global perspectives

Today is the formation of information and network economy. Network society, network economy leads to the degradation of the human person and society. Network of people – in different networks behaves differently. Man.. fragmented it gets multiple personalities. Should be established a hierarchy between the network structures. Globally, the speaker talked about the hierarchy in the creation of a world government.

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